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The Ideal Ages for Kids to Play with Dollhouses

Jan 29,2024 | Marian V. Obsuna

A dollhouse is often seen on every kid's wish list because it is a model of a small house with pieces of furniture and dolls inside it. Most kids initially fell in love with dollhouses when they saw one in a department store or at their friend's house. Aside from the cute, colorful, and entertaining setup a dollhouse has, it's also the kind of toy that will nurture and develop many skills in your kiddo.

The Advantages of Playing with Kid-Friendly Dollhouses

Kids tend to play with their friends in a fun way that also enhances their social skills. Dollhouses are built creatively and playfully, catching children's attention quickly. But behind the cutest miniature of a house, there are also advantages when you let your kids play with their dollhouses, whether at home or with their friends in a gathering. Here's a list of the advantages you get as a parent and the benefits to your kiddo when you let them play with their dollhouse.

1) It will improve your kid’s cognitive and imaginative abilities

Letting your kids play with dollhouses makes them engage their imagination and cognitive skills while playing. They use their minds to create scenarios and situations in the dollhouse, a great skill to develop at a young age.

2) Development in the social skills of your kid will be guaranteed

Playing dollhouses requires role-playing the dolls included in the setup. It is when your kid's social skills will start to have a foundation until it comes harmoniously to interacting with other people.

3) It will improve your kid’s speaking and vocabulary skills

Aside from developing social skills in playing dollhouses, it is also a chance to improve speaking and vocabulary when playing with friends or adults in the gathering. You can observe how they describe particular rooms and situations with their playmates.

4) It is guaranteed that playing can nurture fine motor skills

If you have a younger kiddo with a dollhouse, you can notice how their motor skills will improve as they move around small pieces of furniture or play with the dolls. It can be a great way to practice your toddlers in mathematical concepts and spatial relationships.

5) It can foster creativity and their narrative in reality

You can see how a child imagines particular situations inside the dollhouse, like eating or moving the miniatures of people according to what he knows is happening inside the house. A simple scenario like eating at the table will make you realize that they pay attention to everyday life and come into their fantasy narrative.

Ideal Ages for Playing with Dollhouses

Some parents invest in dollhouses to benefit from the developmental advantages they can provide to kids between 3-9 years of age. It is the age level where children love role-playing and using their creative sides to reenact a scenario at home inside their mini houses with dolls. The characters they chose have dialogues and storylines ready. But some parents still believe every child has a different impression of playing with dollhouses. Here’s a list of the ages where you mostly see kids with their dollhouses and what’re the ideal setups for them.

1) Early Childhood (2-5 years old)

Toddlers love to pretend to play and engage with dolls and other miniatures. You can see them brush their doll’s hair or make them look like they are talking. The ages of 2 to 5 seem to have more fun playing dollhouses as they love exploring the sound effects and the dolls included. Additionally, you can notice them arranging the pieces of small furniture inside the dollhouse and making storylines. A simple but sturdy dollhouse will be perfect for them at this age.

2) Middle Childhood (6-11 years old)

Creativity improves in middle childhood, and your kids might look for dollhouses with better setups, like teenage dolls. But with the boys, you should observe his interests as they will change throughout the years. It would be best to purchase a dollhouse with detailed accessories and big enough to share with their friends.

3) Adolescence (12+ years old)

Your kid’s love of dollhouses may be winding down at this point of their childhood, but some still want to have fun playing with a different setup of dollhouses. It is when the world-building type of dollhouses comes into the picture since your kiddo might want to engage in more complex social situations with their friends. Don’t be sad if you see them not enjoying playing alone, as their imaginations go full steam when playing with their friends.

Things to Consider in Choosing the Best Entertaining Dollhouses

Choosing suitable toys for your kids must be very challenging as a parent since you must consider many things aside from what your kid will enjoy playing with. A dollhouse is magical and entertaining to most kids, which will surely push you to purchase a setup for your kiddo. Here are some simple reminders of what to consider when choosing the best dollhouse for your little one.

1) Decide on the suitable material

You can choose between three choices in terms of materials; plastic, cardboard, or wood. A traditional dollhouse is made with wood and guaranteed durable and sturdy compared to the two. On the other hand, the modern version is now made of plastic because of the colorful designs, plus wooden dollhouses are pretty expensive. You can also check the ones made with cardboard, as they are easy to fold and take with you on travel.

2) Think of the accurate size

If your kid has a lot of friends to play with, you can check large-sized dollhouses with Barbies included. Analyze everything and observe how your kid plays so you can think of the accurate size to avoid clutters. Also, check the dimensions of the pieces included in the setup.

3) Accessories are important

There are a lot of available dollhouses in the market, but only a few have the best inclusions, from accessories to pieces of furniture inside the miniature. Remember that it matters since the entertainment of your kiddo depends on what they can do with the dollhouse.

4) Check for budget-friendly dollhouses

Sure, you want to buy the best dollhouse for your kids, but you also need to consider the lifespan of the toys or if they will keep playing with them in the following years. It is okay to consider checking wallet-friendly dollhouses since there are available options. You can compare several choices, from the accessories included, and see if the price will be worth it.

Final Thoughts

Finding the right dollhouse for your child and providing them with unparalleled joy is an amazing experience. This article has shared some secrets about children playing with dollhouses and how it positively impacts their growth.

If you're looking for the perfect dollhouse, visit our dollhouse collection, which features all the dollhouses crafted by Robud's team of child experts. You can find a dollhouse that suits your child's age and preferences.

